Sunday, June 6, 2010

Reciting Bismillahirrahmaanirraheem

by Huda on http:///

“We have been advised by Rasullullah sallallahualayhiwassalam, that whenever we start an action, we should begin by reciting Bismillahirrahmaanirraheem (In the name of Allah the Most-Merciful the Most-Compassionate). If we omit this then we will not find any blessing in our actions.

Out of His ninety-nine attributes, replica watches Allah ta’ala has chosen the two attributes contained in the above phrase to begin the Qur’an with. This is because Allah Subhaanahuwata’ aala is indeed the Most-Compassionate, Most-Merciful.

Therefore, if we entertain good thoughts regarding our Creator, he will grant us success, and if we entertain evil and negative thoughts regarding Him, our needs will remain unfulfilled.”