Monday, April 19, 2010

To Please or for Pleasure, that is the Question

by Zahid Makda on http:///

“Worship should not be done for the acqusition of pleasure. Rather it should be done to please the creator. Take the example of a person doing zikr. The first time he does zikr, he finds pleasure. The second time he finds pleasure and the third time and so on. But a time may come where for some reason or another, this pleasure disappears.

Now this person will not be able to carry on with his zikr as wil no longer find what he believed was satisfaction. louis vuitton handbags On the other hand, a person does zikr for the sake of Allah and for His pleasure. Regardless of the fact whether he finds pleasure or not he will carry out zikr continually and eventually reach spiritual bliss.”

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Source :


Wanita oh wanita,
Alangkah bertuahnya dikau..
Jalanmu mudah untuk ke syurga..
Taat Allah dan suami
Diberi pilihan pintu syurga mana tuk dilalui…
500 tahun dihias di syurga…
Ketua para bidadari…
10 ribu kali ganda lebih menawan….
Doamu lebih makbul drpd 70 wali…

Wanita oh wanita,
Alangkah bertuahnya dikau…
Kepayahan mengandung 9bulan 10hari
Diberi pahala puasa di siang hari dan solat di malam hari
Solat sunat 2 rakaatmu
Lebih baik drpd 80 rakaat wanita yg tidak hamil…
Keperitan tatkala melahirkan
Diberi pahala 70 tahun ibadat solat dan puasa sunat
Setiap urat yg putus
Diberi ganjaran….
Setiap kesakitan diberi pahala haji..
Nyawa melayang
Dikira syahid!!

Wanita oh wanita,
Bertuahnya dikau…
tutup aurat dgn sempurna
Allah sendiri ziarahmu di Syurga…
Engkau menyapu rumah dgn berzikir,
Pahala ibarat menyapu keliling Kaabah..
Suamimu gelisah dikau hiburkan
Mendapat pahala separuh jihad!!!
Menjaga harta,anak dan maruahmu
kala suami di JALAN ALLAH
Dikau bolot semuanya sekali!!!!!

Wanita oh wanita,
Alangkah bertuahnya dikau..

Dipetik dan diolah drpd :Buku Tertib Usaha Masturat
Oleh :Hj. Othman Sipol S.P Terbitan :KBC

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Four Things of Importance

by Shahinur Rahman on http:///

“Four things one should give great importance to:

1) 5-time Salah; with Jama’ah in the Masjid. Preferably in the first row.

2) Dinstinguish between Halal and Haram; not a single penny of Haram should enter one’s home.

3) Interactions and Dealings (Mu’aamalaat); replica watches carry out dealings with 100% honesty and neither lie nor deceive.

4) As-Sunnah; read books and study the Sirah, then implement as many things as possible into one’s life.”