http:///Advice For Ramadhan
Definition of Suhoor
“In order not to have to wake up early it is common for people to have a meal with the intention of Suhoor straight after the Taraweeh Salaah.
By adopting this course of action one will not receive the full blessings and reward of taking Suhoor.
This is because (by definition) Suhoor refers to that food / meal which is consumed before early dawn in preparation for fasting.”
Benefits of Suhoor
“Amongst the benefits of Suhoor are
1. It is a Sunnah
2. It facilitates strength in worship
3. It facilitates concentration in worship
4. Hunger tends to lead to anger. Suhoor helps prevent this
5. The time of Suhoor is a time when dua is accepted”
Suhoor: a Meal unlike any Another
“Suhoor is a meal but it is unlike any another as it is partaken in order to prepare for fasting.
The great Allamah Aayni rahmatullahi alayh has narrated ahadeeth from 17 different Companions regarding the virtues of Suhoor.
He also states that Suhoor is unanimously seen as a Mustahab action.
Thus even though one may feel that he can do without Suhoor he should take some food with the intention of Suhoor at the appropriate time so that he may also gain its great rewards and blessings.”
A Golden Opportunity before Iftaar
“In Ramadhan we should routinely spend the last 10-15 minutes before the Adhaan for Maghrib in dua.
Each one of us has numerous spiritual, physical and material needs.
Hence we should ask from Allah ta’ala during this period, for it is a time of acceptance.
We should tell ourselves that these moments are a golden opportunity.
And if I let these moments slip from my hands I may not get another chance to reconnect and turn to Allah.”
Blessed Moments
“During Ramadhan one should try to set aside the time between the Salaah of Asar and Maghrib for worship.
Whilst the menfolk tend to attend the Masjid during this period it is also important for the womenfolk at home to engage in worship during these blessed moments.
Read the Salaah of Asar and thereafter engage in recitation of the Qur’aan. Finally spend the last few minutes before sunset in dua.”
Wasting the Time before Iftaar
“Is it not amazing that in the month of Ramadhan the menfolk go early to the Masjid before Maghrib, shed tears in front of Allah ta’ala and have their sins forgiven whilst the women folk spend this precious time preparing food?
If the womenfolk also spend this time in worship at home and the preparation of food is delayed by a few minutes no one will die.
Alternatively if the food is cooked before Asar even then there will be no great harm.
But if we waste the valuable time before Iftaar then we will definitely incur a great loss and suffer great spiritual damage.”
Shaykh Muhammad Zakariyyah rahmatullahi alayh has stated that it is a consensus of the Ummah to observe Taraweeh in the month of Ramadhan. It is based upon this that Shaykh Abdul Haq Muhadith Dehlawi rahmatullahi alayh commented that if the (Muslim) people of a village were to ignore the Taraweeh Salaah, then the Ameer ul Mumineen should compel them to observe it.
There are two different Sunnah actions encompassed in the Taraweeh Salaah. The first is to perform twenty Rakaah (units) of Taraweeh Salaah daily. The second is to listen to a complete recitation of Qur’aan in the Taraweeh Salaah.
If one has to undertake a journey during the month of Ramadhan, then he should arrange for a Hafiz from whom he can hear the entire Qur’aan (in Taraweeh) during the first few days. This way he will not run the risk of missing out on this Sunnah as a result of his travels which may cause him to read Taraweeh in different places where different amounts of Qur’aan are being read.
Even though the Taraweeh Salaah is not a Fardh it holds a similar status to the Fardh Salaah which are performed with Jamaah.
chanel handbags Consequently the Imam for the Taraweeh has to fulfil the same criteria as that which is required of the Imam who leads the normal daily Salaah. Hence it is important to select an appropriate Imam to lead the Salaah of Taraweeh.”
Ramadhan is for Qur’aan
“The month of Ramadhan has a special affinity with the recitation of the Qur’aan. Thus after completing his routine daily practices a person should spend as much time as he can in reciting the Qur’aan.
Such is the emphasis on worship and on reciting the Qur’aan that it takes precedence over listening to lectures.
The only reason lectures are kept is that such talks encourage people towards worship.
During the era of our pious predecessors public lectures and talks were (rarely) held during this blessed month.
This was because they were not needed as people were already motivated and thus remain engrossed in worship.
If listening to lectures is something which should only be done out of necessity than one can easily
understand why it is essential for one to shun all those acts which divert his attention from worship in this blessed month.”
How to Recite the Qur’aan during the month of Ramadhan
“Most people try to recite the Qur’aan from beginning to end a number of times during the month of Ramadhan.
However what tends to happen with this method is that the initial enthusiasm soon runs out and one’s quantity of recitation decreases, as the days pass by.
By assessing one’s daily timetable and allocating a certain number of slots for recitation one can utilise the following method to help keep motivated and consistent.
For example if one calculates that he has enough time to recite five chapters of the Qur’aan daily then rather than reciting the first five chapters he should recite the first one and quarter chapters four times.
For the first four days one should recite one and a quarter and from the fifth day onwards one chapter a day. This will enable one to finish reciting the Qur’aan by the twenty ninth.
Whilst numerically this will equate to reciting roughly the same amount daily, psychologically one will be forced to keep going because he will know that if he misses a day it will become difficult to catch up. Thus he will be able to force his nafs to complete his daily target.”
In Every Night of Ramadhan
“During the month of Ramadhan one should endeavour to do the following diligently every night:
1. Abstain from sins
2. Perform the Salaah of Maghrib, Eshaa, and Fajr with congregation in the Masjid. (And also perform the Taraweeh Salaah)”
Ask two Things
“Daily in the month of Ramadhan one should take account of the deeds that he has performed that day. He should ask himself two things:
1. Have I done any good deeds today which will attract the Mercy and Forgiveness of Allah ta’ala?
2. Have I committed any sins today which will divert Allah ta’ala’s Mercy and Forgiveness away from me?”
Deprivation of the Negligent
“During heavy rainfall if a person were to complain that he has not been able to collect water then all those around him would say that this is because you were lazy and did not take hold of the opportunity.
Likewise in Ramadhan the Mercy and Forgiveness of Allah ta’ala descends in torrents. And it is only the extremely negligent who remain deprived.”
Make the month of Ramadhan a means of changing your life for the better.
Ramadhan is the season of forgiveness gifted to us by Allah.
Supplications in Ramadhan
“We should make a firm resolution not to waste a single moment of the blessed month of Ramadhan. In all our duas we should ask Allah ta’ala to grant us the ability to value this great opportunity.
The respected Shaykh Haji Farooq rahmatullahi alayh, would comment that Allah ta’ala has said in the Qur’aan that He has made the month of Ramadhan so that the believers may (acquire taqwaa) and become people of Taqwaa.
Thus the respected Shaykh would advise that one should supplicate by saying O Allah, you have made this month of Ramadhan so that I may become muttaqi.
Hence I beseech you to grant me Taqwa and make me from amongst Your friends.”
Throughout the month of Ramadhan turn to Allah ta’ala and say”
O Allah grant me the ability to carry on with the good deeds that I am performing in this month for the rest of my life.
“During my childhood my respected father once sat me down and said ‘my dear son, I want to teach you a dua which I advise you to recite abundantly during the month of Ramadhan. This dua is
‘La ilaha illa allah astaghfirullah asaloka aljannah wa a’oozo beka minannaar’
How To Save Yourself From Sin
The most important thing in Ramadhan is that one refrains from every type of sin. And in order to do this a person should concentrate on the following two things:
1) Refrain from mixing. By keeping to himself one is aided greatly in staying away from many sins.
2) Keep occupied at all times. By holding fast to a timetable, a person can make the most of this blessed month and he will be able to accomplish much inshallah.